
Take a stand against food waste and treat yourself with great meals

Get more out of your wallet and (b)eat food waste.
Browse your favourite shops with 50-70% off!
Sustainable food ordering!


Download the app now and enjoy exclusive discounts on your favorite meals!

There's food out there waiting for someone to save it. Register with a few clicks and start making a difference today.

#Our Story

Get to know more about our story, mission, and vision.

At Munch, we believe in the power of food to create connections, inspire change, and make a positive impact on the world. Munch is more than just an application – it's a movement that bridges the gap between food establishments, conscious consumers, and a greener future.

“From idea to revolution, saving food all the way to greener hospitality

#join the revolution

Want to get involved?

#For Stores

Boost your business, save the planet!

Dive into sustainable solutions. Reduce food waste, gain loyal customers, and tap into added revenue with Munch.

#For Users

Can't find your favorite shop on munch?

Drop us a hint about a store you'd love to see on Munch and we'll reach out to them. Let's get them on board together!

#For You

Join Munch and let’s (b)eat food waste together!

We believe in the power of food to create connections, inspire change, and make a positive impact on the world.